How to use Notion for great good
You're on this web page, which means you're using Notion. It's pretty neat workbook software, and I encourage you to try it out and set it up yourself!
If you're just reading this notebook, it should be pretty easy to get around — just click and follow links naturally, and use the breadcrumbs at the top in order to navigate back and between pages, and their sub pages. Everything has been meticulously organized in the fastest possible way to make it look good at a glance.
If you're operating the cache, hopefully you're already aware of all this! You should probably have guest permissions on this notebook, giving you the full ability to edit tickets, runbooks, etc and do what you like with them.
In certain circumstances, I (@Austin Seipp) will invite other Nixpkgs maintainers & friends as guests to this notebook, allowing them to comment and write design docs, bug reports, etc. If you're a maintainer who would like to do this, please contact Austin, so he can send you to tackle an ancient trial, the nature and location of which is a closely guarded secret.